Thursday, August 24, 2006

don't read this if you expect anything worthwhile

It is storming here. I was supposed to go to Linz to meet a potential friend and have some fun actually having an Austrian social life, but he calls at the last minute and lets me know that some business partners from China just flew in last minute, and he is the only guy in the office who can speak Chinese, so there is NO way that he can get out of it. Whatever. So now, I get to watch the specials on the first two films of Harry Potter and blog my butt off.
There is not much to say since last time.

I have become a neat freak, that is something to say. Maybe not a "freak", but I am a definite fan of the world of tidy. I clean up all the time, whether at Anita's or my room, I am just cleaning cleaning cleaning. I am constantly finding things that need fixing. Oh, there is a spot on the sink, better get that. Hmm, there is a little spot on this floor, better scruby, scrub, scrub. I sometimes realize what I am doing and want to fall over with shock, but the spot has not yet be removed, so there will be no falling of any kind. Typically one would think that this is a step in the right direction, that I am making progress of some kind and now am a real adult. I, on the other hand, am a bit terrified. What happens when all this craziness stops? Will I just be in routine and be able to maintain an orderly lifestyle? Or will I NEVER clean again and live on a huge mountain of clothes, books and yogurt cups? Who knows... Also, I did a personality test............
(cringe, horror! Yes, yes, I hate those dumb things too, screw them right, who can give me a number and tell me who I am!? No one...but I am a seven if you please, and that makes me an "Enthusiast" That is my category. Seriously though, if you have some time ((which you must, because you are reading this, despite my abuse of the parentheseseses?)) check out the Enneagram site, take the test, and then tell me I am a fool if you don't believe it. Clearly it has some broad generalizations that everyone may fit into to, but the other options just were not me as a whole at all, and well, whatever, you will like it or you won't but I do, and for the sake of this post, just trust me) (that is much too much for one sidenote, but read on)
..........for l'arche and it said that when I get into negative moods (depression, anxiety, etc) I will turn into a bit of a perfectionist. So, that may well be it, and I am just using this as therapy. Another trait that I have as an Enthusiastic Seven is that I get into things really hard really fast and then get bored with it really hard and fast (For more informations on this, see most of my 'romantic' relationships).
So maybe it is that... so crap...
Maybe these blogs lately have been a cry for help! Someone rescue me from this life!! I need people!!!! I am sorry people, the blogs will get better again...someday...


Ben said...

good post.

horrid abuse of parentheses!

ericfin said...

Jenn has a blog too!

oh goodness have i ever fallen behind.

thanks for the nice words on my blog, jenni.

and HAVE A FRIGGIN BLAST OVER THERE! *alilbitjealous*
