Friday, January 05, 2007

to her's truly, my beautiful mommy

to embellish on my lack of confidence in my ability to survive being back in Stratford, it is NOT because I am back that I won't be able to survive, it is NOT because I am not happy here, cause I am, blissfully so, but it is just the travelling that I will miss. Clearly I am overjoyed to be back with the ones I love so dear and I missed you all like mad.


Anonymous said...

dont worry babe , we'll take a trip this summer to Europe, get on the eurobus like u said. it will be sweet!

Ben said...

Who calls anyone "babe" anymore, I mean, really?

Congratulations on not capitalizing anything except "Europe", by the way. Very contemporary, quite hip. You must be a trend-setter, sir.

I assume you are a sir, however, in all likelihood you may be a ma'am, way to be anonymous, you magnificent mysterious bastard, you.


Anonymous said...

well ben , jenni is a babe i must say shes quite sexy. as for me not capitalizing anything....i figured Europe is the only thing that is important. as for me beeing anonymous, i like beeing magnificent and mysterious....makes nosey ppl like you wonder.

Maranatha said...

Go hither:

Whereon I shall recount the occasion of my sudden
and more strange return. LIAM