Monday, November 13, 2006

$£€$£€ runnin through my mind blog attained a long overdue makeover. And doesn't she just look DARLIN'. I swear, she came out of editing and I jus' teared up with bliss, such a supreme looking blog...sigh, don't get much prettier than this.

Sorry if I have been keeping you out of the loop. There is not too much to be kept in though. I hang around in this house in Witham, England, just less than an hour northeast of London.

Last Wednesday I went to LONDON!!!

I love it!! It is one of my favourite cities! Unfortunately I did not get to go to the Globe! Booo! but we did all the free stuff the first time around and then we will go around with LondonPasses and focus on the attractions that are more expensive. I would move to Covent Garden tomorrow if I could though, wow! It is so adorable, and SOOOOOO many theatres, everywhere I turned...Mary Poppins, the MONTY PYTHON MUSICAL: Spamalot, Lion King, Wicked (a great book about the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by the way) and on and on and on...

That has been the highlight of my month, which seems great, but makes the whole past month I have been here seem even more DULL. Strapped for cash and miles away from even a coffee shop I can sit and read and act pretentious. Speaking of reading, I just finished reading Vanity Fair and I loved it, Rebecca Sharp is quite the character. Although (surprise surprise) the film starring Reese Witherspoon is total crap compared to the book, I think Miss Witherspoon did an excellent job with the dodgy amount of substance to her character that she was actually given.
Let me tell you a brief story on how I got this book from customs at the London Luton Airport (may I never see it again). I was retained in immigration for HOURS when I arrived here from Spain last month. They asked me a bunch of questions with sarcastic tones and little explanation of why they were keeping me, they took my passport and told me to sit down. That is when I waited...Previous to boarding the plane, in an effort to keep my exertion level low after the grueling past few days (story best told in person I imagine) I decided to check my bag. I took with me only my wallet and my passport. Having been relieved of my passport by the bird faced wench at the immigration desk I was forced to fumble through my wallet, looking for things to pass the time. Time passed slowly. Finally I had to pee. I asked the bird woman if I could use the washroom..."the what??" "um...the loo?" "oh right, SANDY CAN YOU TAKE THIS GIRL TO THE LOOOOO?????" I was actually escorted by someone ( I am assuming, Sandy) in a uniform to go to the washroom...And watching in wonder was a whole flight of people just landed from Amsterdam...I use the washroom/loo and then Sandy asks if I would like a drink...I see something...what is it?? BOOKS?
"No, thank you, but could I read a book?!?"
"Yes of course"
I scan the titles quickly, fearing at any second she will change her mind (why? I am not quite sure) and then out jumps the most beautiful title .... "Vanity Fair" I snatch it up at once and smile at her. She smiles and escorts me back to my little chair. I have been reading this book ever since. I dont think I have ever read so constantly, hours a day most likely. And now I have finally finished it. You must understand my pain (and realize that if this is all I am blogging about you really AREN'T out of the loop).
The past...I could blog about the past, yes I know, I mean, I guess that is all blogs are usually anyway (except one blogger I have come across who is blogging his imagination for the world).

But I am almost sick of the past now. I will come back to it again. When in Stratford I shall recount for any who want to hear it, my adventures through Europe. If anyone is really actually interested, I am sorry, but right now I dont have the heart for it. In summary Spain was this, we went out often, but got sicker and sicker, despite the hearty chest coughs and runny noses we did manage to lure in hoards of men of many different nationalities and levels of intelligence. I saw grand sights and did work on an olive farm on the side of a mountain. I woke up like Heidi every morning, looking into a mountian range. Ate grapes of the vines for breakfast, drank wine from a cardboard box late into the night with Gen, had great conversations from everything to English Literature to working at Tim Hortons, fled from a potential misfire during a wild boar hunt...all these things and more...


Ben said...

potential misfire during a wild boar hunt!?

Now there's a story I gotta hear!

hopefully I'll be around when you come home, not up here in Barrie, putzing about like an art student with too much free time.


Jenni said...

it sounds much cooler than it really is...

Ben said...

I dunno, guns, boars, misfirings. I'm not sure how that couln't be cool


Jenni said...

Okay, I looked the word up, because I am an idiot...misfire is the wrong word...maybe...misaim? Or bad aim?
We were not at the hunt either... haha, told you the story wasn't cool.
You may be pleased to know, though, that on a few occasions we woke up to the sound of gunshots crashing through the mountains...Yay
Viva la Jenni

Ben said...

Good work Jenni,

you're right. The story is no longer cool. No-one with bad aim has ever made it into the history books.

well, except the guy who winged president Regan. (raygen...reigan...ragan...
...he prick who made the world shit it's collective pants.)

Woo! I'm working full time at the "Smuttery"! Check my journal for the full details.
