Thursday, November 30, 2006

"The world is supposed to be full of possibilities, but they narrow down to pretty few, in most personal experience"

Well, I had to leave Witham, England...let it be known that there was fanfare in my heart as the bus pulled away from the drab little town. More on my escape in a personal format only as what I say about it, I might live to regret, and I don't want to poison the internet with my foul attitude about it...
Now I am staying with my (step) grandparents in Bedford. It is sweet. They are both so loving and nice, I am glad I am here now, despite the fact that they don't have the internet...what a cleansing experience that is for me...and so, what do you think takes up all my time now?? Reading Lady Chatterley's Lover and knitting?? You are darned right!! And, as I hold my head up high despite the shame creeping through me as I say this I also have been sucked into the show "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Outta Here!". Yes, twelve celebs in the Australian jungle doing trials for food and the voting public's favour. I cringed when I heard of it, but I do love it... (I knew that travelling would broaden my mind!), the fun this is, they have the celebrity attitude, but I have no idea who any of them are...David the still my beating heart...

Anyway, coming home soon lads and lasses and can't wait to see you all again...Things have changed in my heart and mind in such drastic ways since I left Canada, but I am sure things will balance out when I get back in the gay ol' town of Stratford!!!

Lovah Lovah!!

Viva la Jenni!!


Ben said...

Somehow, I just can't imagine you knitting. Like, not even in ajokingly manner.

I've tried. Really, I have! I flexed every muscle in my head trying to form a mental image of you sitting in a wooden rocking chair, blanket on your lap, knitting, and taking breaks for sips of tea and a few pages of a good story.



I can get the chair and blanket, and some snippets of various backdrops, but the knitting needles are floating in midair and the tea is vanishing from the rim of the cup.

I must draw this.


Jenni said...

Ben, no wonder you can't see that dreadful image, I was sitting on a couch...the rest is true...
I know, I know...

I have let you all down....

Hahahahaha, it is fun though, and I have an excuse to sit around all day!!

Viva la Jenni!

Jenni said...

BEN!!! You monster!!! This is what I get when I tried to update myself on your blog....

"Access to the page: has been denied for the following reason:

This page has exceeded your weighted phrase limit.

You are seeing this error because what you attempted to access appears to contain, or is labeled as containing, material that is contrary to the Library's Acceptable Use Policy. "

Ha ha haha, you and your weighted phrases!!

Viva la Jenni

Ben said...

I assure you I didn't do it on purpose.

So how come I haven't been able to access your blog for the past few month or so? Whenever I access it it tells me that I have to be invited to read it. And that since I have not been invited, I am to sod off and rot in a ditch somewhere.

How come, jenni?
