Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Beginning

This is me...I started wearing glasses for reading, but then a guy said he liked them on me, so I always wore them around him, and ended up addicted to the lens baby, just say "No" to lunettes

I would like to make some profound statement in my first blog so people think I am smart. But I can't force genius. I am tired, I am bored and I am just doing this for the hell of it.
I just finished watching "Brokedown Palace" with Claire Danes and that other girl. They are in Thailand and get arrested for smuggling drugs...Claire Danes' character ends up saying she did it so that her friend can go free. I don't know how to feel about that. In one way I admire her for the strength she had to do that, and in another way, I think it was a bit ridiculous. Whatever.

So...there you go lads and lasses...My first BLOG EVER!! Yay me!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey you gorgeous thang you!!I love you and miss you terribly. Thanks for posting the awesome and sexy pic of yer beautiful self. Ahhhhh me soo jealous. I miss the river!! Love the sweater too!! Keep up the blog!! Later babe.. Yer forever friend,
Richard xoxo