Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Why, this is very midsummer madness

Well, since the last post I regained a sense of cool, calm and collected, lost it, regained it and now...I actually am not sure if I have it or not. My brain is still whirling, but slower than before, yet more stuff is flying through it.

I was asked if I could move out of the l'arche house I live in early because another assistant was moving in and needed my room. So I said surrre. They asked me when I could do it, I said I could move TUESDAY, they said, cool, don't rush though, it isn't a big deal.
They call me Sunday and tell me I have to be out by MONDAY MORNING. Apparently they had left a note, but I was just so sick I didn't see it. Right. Or maybe they didn't leave a note.
So, I was really really mad, and had to go pack all my junk and move out. Now I am kind of homeless-ish, and going crazy in a slow and painful way!

Get me wrong not. I am so excited about going, I know I will have an awesome time and etc etc etc... But I just kind of get this "cold-feet" thing.
I don't know if I can even finish the blog properly...which I won't, I am going back to the German stuff.

Viva la Jenni!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading ALL your blogs,wow.. I figured you were a busy and on the go girl, but I suppose I never really took the time to LISTEN to my full potential. We have 1 more day to spend together before you are off to Europe.
This is what we shal do.. Walk/talk about everything you have going on in your mind. Perhaps this way, when you awake in the morning, you will feel a slight relief, and know that everything will work out, and always for the better.
Sometimes life throws us curve balls, but u just gota find that one glove that fits your hand perfectly;)
Take care Jenn*rose*
Hope to talk soon