Saturday, June 10, 2006

she's a hero

Well fans, I have to climb my way out of the Buffy-verse for a few days, much to my dismay. Though last night I had some wicked cool dreams about being in Buffy. Fun times.
I have been a total nut job with this Buffy stuff, like really really. I think I have seen around one season per week. Which makes just over two hours of Buffy per day...I think. Well, anyway, I have confessed my addiction, I have two more seasons to go, well, actually I have one and a half. So I am going to crash through them now, so I can gain some sort of life in the next few weeks.
I love all my people, though it seems only two people responded to my flossing question, so I love them most. Respond people!! It is impossible to think my powerful blogs about things as pivotal as my flossing or buffy addiction are going basically unread by the human population ( 'cept you Professor and Coola!), clearly the problem is minions and friends, that you are all ashamed of your non-flossing ways. No need. No need at all.
Well, it is off to work with me, dangerous times...

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