Friday, May 12, 2006

Home again!

Hey minions!

I am sooo excited to be living at Caritas again. I am glad to be back with my ChillyWilley and all the other Caritisians.
My weekend is so huge! I was under the impression that the Playmakers! shows were NEXT weekend, but in a casual conversation about load outs I found out otherwise! THIS WEEKEND!! OMG!! So, I am working and begging like a crazy woman in order for this all to work. I am MAYBE able to get out tonight to go to the show, in which case I will set myself up as Carl's slave and just help him with whatever he needs for the scene changes. As soon as the show is done I dash to Maranatha to do an overnight, and then in the morning fly over to Caritas to do morning routines, then in the early afternoon I will take a coremember to see Hamlet. After that, we come back home and I work until 9pm and then I zip over to Brendan's and do some shin-digging. I may have to work an overnight again at Maranatha so I will have to zoom over there at 11pm, if not, I will party hard! The next day I will go to Mother's Day with Terry and perhaps Doreen. Sometime in this fun schedule, I have to get my mom the other part of her mother's day gift. BLEH!
Ya, anyway, now you can all feel sorry for me for a bit.

Thanks my sweet and darling minions,


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