Monday, May 08, 2006

l'Archen Party

My fun Sunday!!

Well fans, minions and friends, I had an awesome day yesterday. I went to church at Immaculate Conception and afterward hung out at Naz with Olive from Agape. We had lunch there and then went to the river. We hula'd and Heidi brought a drum so people drummed and others hula'd. There were about twelve of us including the coremembers who were hula'ing as well. Dalton even had a hoop. We all had a great time, the sun was shining, the grass was cool. After that Olive and I went back to Agape with Melissa and I made dinner and did some routines and then Melissa and I went to Andrew's apartment for the champagne party. Dan came soon after us and then Punkin, Tim and Heidi. We played a drinking game. It is harder than you would imagine to drink five shots of champagne. Then we went to the bar....Classics...on a sunday night...I know I know, lame lame, but we just wanted to have fun and dance to loud music. So, we went up there and there was NO ONE! So, we did what any half drunk group of friends would do. Danced! I ran down to Heidi's car (who wasn't drinking by the way) and grabbed her hula hoops and we hula'd on the dance floor. Oh minions, I have never had so much fun at Classics!! Ew, yes, we all had our shoes off. But it was a group thing and I scrubbed my feet like nobody's business today. I saw John, the guy who saved my life, and tried to get him to dance with us and he wouldn't. Apparently he has a crush on me, but he was drinking so I am sure he wasn't serious. ANYWAY, we had so much fun, and I did NOT throw up, which is always bonus. Oh, Andrew and I were dirty dancing on the dance floor, good times, we are so hot. I got home (AKA-Agape...I have no real and opened the window for fresh air in the bedroom and it got stuck open so it was SOOOO freezing when I was trying to sleep.
I managed to wake up at seven and get the coremembers off to work and crawled my lame ass back on the couch to sleep off the hangover I aquired.

Viva La Jenni

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